Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Glam Girl Check In and a Little Tea ;-)

Hey there Glam Girls! Hoping you all are well and still fabulously glam'd after that little touch of Sandy we had to deal with. My thoughts and prayers were with all of my Glam Girl subscribers, readers, friends etc. So of course, it's my duty to bring you the Glam, even amidst a super storm recovery. And honey, let me tell you- this is some TEA you'll have to sip slow. LOL

Most of us watched last night for another dramatic episode of Basketball Wives LA.**If your cable was out, I'll be sure to let you know how to catch it on repeat!** Let me tell you, just as I was beginning to think that the show was a haux full of dinner dates, dramatic drink meet ups and constant squabbles over whether or not Tacky (ass) Jackie is or isn't crazy (and believe me, she is), the show came back with a boom! In true BBWLA fashion, the girls met up at Brooke Bailey's pool party, followed by a more dramatic meet up at a mixology class where it seemed as if Brooke preferred to MIX with Jackie (or anyone who would 'shoot her the fade' per say)! LOL.

Well that was one hell of a mix session, although VHI chose not to air it in an attempt to fulfill their promise to clean up the violent content on the weekly reality show. But nothing compared to the twitter war that took place after the show. See, apparently, what we didn't see is that Laura Govan and Bambi (wait, who?) had not exactly cleared up their beef on the show. Bambi, apparently still taken aback by Laura's inability to get along with Jackie, just couldn't leave well enough alone and felt the need to take the drama to twitter. Surprised? Nope. As if she hasn't starved for enough attention this season, this broad is asking for more.

****Sidebar- did ya'll see her acting all phony in the middle of the Brooke and Jackie fight? Throwing in shade every chance she can get? Brooke two stepped right over that nonsense! Way to go Brooke!****

Anyway, take a look at what went down on twitter:

During the scene on BBWLA where Draya and Bambi shared a brief lesbian encounter (or a kiss) Govan had this to say-
Now of course, in true Bambi (wait, who?) fashion, the self proclaimed rapper just couldn't take the "disrespect" sitting down. She had to pull the claws out on this one- 

A bit much? Yeah, I agree.. But it get worse, trust. Laura came back with a witty and catty rebuttal-

LOL. Way to call the "EXTRA" out on her extra roll on the show. I mean, could you be any more irrelevant? Wait, then again, she could always be Jackie. LOL. Anyways, keep reading-

As always, Malaysia steps in, I guess trying to make peace-

I guess it's safe to say Malaysia will never learn her place. But the beef ended off like this-

Bwahahaha! I guess she told her! And I think we all learned a valuable lesson here; don't get buck on twitter unless you're actually in the credits! LOL =)

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