Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Glam Girl Check In...

Hey Glammies.. Happy HUMP DAY!!!! So, it's my wind down day yet I'm feeling completely inspired to share! So much has happened in such a short week and I just have to share some of it with you dolls!

So first- October is always a hectic month for me, as I'm usually preparing for sooooo many things. It's time to start my Christmas shopping, Thanksgiving is approaching, and most importantly, it's time to decide what to get my boyfriend for his birthday, which is just a month away! Last year, I gave him a huge surprise party. And he loved it. It actually turned out to be his very first birthday party EVER! He was thrilled and his happiness made me giddy! So now, I'm on a mission to make every year better than the last. But how do you top that? I asked myself, what's better than having his favorite people, surprise him at a super cool spot, football game on (even a football helmet shaped cake) and lots of wings and beer? The decision wasn't an easy one, but finally I've come up with it. I cant wait to share it with you girlies and hopefully it can inspire you as well. =)

Now, on to the GLAM stuff... It's already Day 3 of our Wear or Share Challenge and so far we've been getting lots of cutesy pink stuff! I'm totally excited about sharing the one week recap with you over the weekend.

I know that I haven't posted the video to the Charlotte Russe haul, but that's because I've decided to wear them all before reviewing. This week, I'll wear each pair all day so that the review can be as accurate as possible. Stay tuned for more on that...

Don't forget to check in on Friday for your Re-al-i-TEA Party (reality tv recap)! And as alway, have a great week! =)

Later Gals,

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